ATTENTION Gun Enthusiast: You’re about to learn how pro shooters and high speed operators are dealing with ammo shortages…and shooting better than ever!
“Yes, Even With Empty Shelves And Skyrocketing Ammo Prices,
You Can Still Keep Training”
Leading Tactical Firearms Training Experts Reveal The MOST Effective Training Methods Available Today That Are Not Only Affordable On ANY Budget, But INCREDIBLY Effective
Re: How to keep training when ammo is hard to find and even harder to afford.
Dear Fellow Gun Owner,
Before you go and assume that you know what I’m going to say, I’m going to assure you that you don’t and that you owe it to yourself to take 2-3 minutes right now and read every single word on this page. There’s no other single source for what I’m about to share with you and I’m going to tell you how you can get it dirt cheap for a limited time.
The ability to afford ammo (if you can even find it) for our guns is quickly vanishing for many red blooded Americans, but the need to train hasn’t gone away.
With skyrocketing ammo prices soaring by 127% over the last two years many shooters hear a cash machine ringing up their bill in their head every time they pull the trigger…
…making it nearly impossible to master the tactical and defensive shooting skills that any shooter worth their salt MUST have in a life or death situation.
It’s even worse for people who wear a gun for a living. Training budgets are getting slashed making it almost impossible to hone life-saving firearms skills at a time when violent crime is on the rise.
I understand. I LOVE shooting, AND, while I’m hardly a Team 6 or Delta operator, I’ve worn body armor on details for principals with active death threats and guns are more than just a fun toy for me.
Like you, I simply REFUSE to lay down my guns and stop training–even when time and money get in the way, which is why I’m going to share with you…
No fluff and NO B.S. Just the raw information and systems you need to practice and train as much as you want, when you want, with no financial restrictions, and NO concerns about how in the heck you’re going to replace what you shoot.
In fact, you’ll quickly see that the training techniques that I’m going to share with you are WAY more effective than throwing actual lead downrange. That’s why…
Please understand that I’m not just throwing cool words around. Those are just some the groups of the high speed, low drag shooters that we sought out and trained with to create this training system and who are now the very same guys who give the it the best reviews and buy it for their friends, family, trainees, and fellow operators.
In fact, Tactical Firearms Training Secrets is quickly becoming standard issue for firearms trainers to send home with their students after high-dollar training.
Sorry for the poor grammar, but sometimes you’ve got to break away from the norm to make a point.
If you’ve been around the block as a shooter, you know how important dry fire is, know that dry fire is part of what I’m talking about, and know how effective it is. But, plain, old, ordinary dry fire is BORING! I’m going to quickly and easily take you so far beyond dry fire that you’ll wonder why anyone would suggest using those old dry fire techniques.
THESE training routines are fun and exciting enough that both you and your other family members will actually want to DO them on a regular basis.
You’ll start off right away with a foundation of simple, fun, dry fire exercises and will take you all the way up to wicked smart, PhD level firearms training psychology and physiology that will completely transform the way that you view training. And don’t let the whole “PhD” reference throw you for a loop. The training is laid out clearly and concisely and even has pictures of Dustin Ellermann, winner of Season 3 of Top Shot, demonstrating skills throughout.
When I got serious about learning how to successfully protect myself and my loved ones with a firearm, I started getting formal training. LOTS of formal training. I trained with SWAT operators, Green Berets, SEALs, MARSOC Marines—many of whom were fresh back from deployments—and the guys who train these elite units. We’re talking dozens of classes and tens of thousands of dollars spent on education, ammo, and gear.
Most importantly, I went beyond simply taking the classes and got into the trainer’s heads, dug around, and found out the highest of the high speed shooting, training, and teaching techniques that they’d found over the years that had worked for them, both in combat and in rapidly preparing others for combat.
And they put the screws on me to write a book worthy of the time they invested in me. Nobody had compiled the training methodologies that these elite groups use and presented them outside of high dollar training events and it HAD to be done right. I’m accountable to them.
You see, these operators are my brothers, both through blood and through friendship. I’m in constant contact with them, most know where I live, and they’d rightfully take me to the woodshed if I let them down by putting out anything less than the best–and that’s what I’m giving you.
They know that police and sheriff’s departments are going to turn to my book to compensate for slashed ammo and training budgets in a time of increasing violent crime.
They know that husbands and wives are going to implement this training when they can’t afford to put in the trigger time at the range that’s necessary to be able to effectively deploy their firearms in a self-defense situation.
They basically told me that “half-assed” wasn’t an option and that I had to deliver. And after having 14,000+ other shooters like you buy the book and use the training, it has passed with flying colors.
Don’t let the size (Just 74 Pages) fool you. This is the distilled product of hundreds of hours of formal training that I’ve gone through over the last decade. More importantly, it’s training that has been refined in the crucible of hundreds of armed engagements downrange by those who went before me.
It is truly, the best of the best Tactical Firearms Training information available, and the system is simple and FAST to learn so you can start implementing this information within minutes of ordering.
*As a bonus, Dustin Ellermann, winner of Top Shot Season 3 loved the book so much that he agreed to help out with it. If you are a fan of Top Shot, you probably enjoyed watching Dustin as much as I did and can imagine how honored I am to have him on the cover of the book and throughout the book demonstrating the skills. |
So maybe you are already a good shot or been shooting since you were a kid… and that’s great.
I have been shooting for most of my life. My first time out was with my dad when I was just 4 years old. I remember it like it was yesterday, My first bird I took was a swallow with my Red Ryder BB gun…
But shooting under extreme stress–like what people face in a life-or-death self-defense situation, is different. Your fingers turn to sausages that move like you just pulled them out of the freezer. Attempts at fancy gun handling quickly end with your gun, mag, or more laying between your feet. Your vision narrows to where you may as well be looking through the center tube of a paper towel roll. Nothing works the way you think it should…unless you know what to expect ahead of time AND know how to counteract your body’s natural tendencies. (You’ll learn how in the book)
If you don’t have perfect high-stress shooting technique ingrained in your mind, you’d better pray that you never face a high-stress shooting situation.
But, with this training, that goes WAY beyond any other training available for home OR RANGE use, you can quickly and inexpensively train your mind and body to perform exactly the way you want them to under stress so that you can put multiple, effective rounds on target.
Why It’s Just $7
If you really want to, you can click HERE to get it through Amazon where it’s received 25 4 & 5 star reviews,
So if you’re serious about mastering your tactical shooting skills, Click the “Add to cart” button below. If you need to justify the expense, skip a “value meal” once this week and it’s paid for.
Guarantee #1 If for any reason you think my book isn’t the best $7 you’ve ever spent just send me an email and I’ll gladly refund your whole $7.
Guarantee #2 If you actually DO what I recommend for you to do and your results aren’t great, I’ll actually refund TWICE your money. All I ask is that you give me an honest effort. Just so you know, none of the 14,000+ shooters like you who bought the book have taken me up on this.
Now is that fair? Sure it is… It’s more than fair
Time is Very Much “Of the Essence”… I can’t stress the time-sensitiveness of this offer enough.
Click on the “Add To Cart” button below to to start reading Tactical Firearms and Training Secrets™ in minutes Risk-Free for just $7…
Price Today: $17.00 $11.00
Here’s what you do to order… Have your MasterCard, American Express or Visa ready and click the big yellow button below to continue…
Practice makes perfect and in the “Traditional” training methods, ammo alone puts dependable tactical firearms skills out of the reach of many people’s reach. It doesn’t have to be that way.
This $7 book is the only thing standing between you and your ability to push your tactical shooting performance to the extreme.
P.S. Remember, the systems inside the book have worked for more than 14,000 shooters just like you–It’s a no brainer, and all that’s left is for you to take action.
I wasn’t planning on putting any testimonials for this book up, since it’s so inexpensive and sells itself so well. But these two were just too great to not post here:
If you aren’t blessed with access to unlimited amounts of free ammunition, this book will help you maximize your training time and minimize wasted ammo. The author explains three concepts that will augment your regimen: Dry Fire, Airsoft Practice and Mental Rehearsal. Although I’ve been raised not to dry fire my weapons, the fact of the matter is that most modern guns will tolerate almost limitless dry fire. The author gives you an easy to follow course of training that will improve your technique without sacrificing range safety and discipline. The chapter on Airsoft training gave me another avenue to consider, while the final technique of Utilizing Guided Mental Imagery was probably the best of all; highlighting training elements that you would be wise to implement in everyday life. For less than the cost of a box of ammunition you can radically accelerate your firearms training.
D. Buxman “A Seeker of Truth” (Pueblo, CO United States)
I really enjoyed this book. For being a shooter that has just a little over a year of trigger time … this book has given me some viable options to train at home. Book was well written and easy to understand. I also like the fact that Dustin was involved from Top Shot. My mom and I supported him while he was on the show and it was nice to see a self taught shooter win. If you are new to shooting this book give you options without having to always go to the range. Weeks before I bought this book I was looking all over the internet for training tips and most deal with going to a range or outdoor range (which in Arizona training outdoors is a nightmare during the summer time 🙂 ). It is well worth buying this book. Hope you enjoy it as I have.
You’ll see a few more testimonials on the checkout page, and there’s 19 5-star and 6 4-star reviews on Amazon .