ATTENTION Blaze Readers: The following urgent report has helped over 14,000 like-minded gun owners beat the high cost of ammo and protect their families in a time of pending tyrannical legislation. Keep reading for your 42% Discount…
You’re about to learn how to quickly, easily, and inexpensively hardwire high-speed
tactical shooting skills
into your brain
that you can depend on
in a life or death situation…
regardless of how restrictive gun laws become
These inexpensive (and often FREE) tactics, techniques, and procedures are the “weird” secret training methods that allow high end operators and competitive shooters to achieve super-human accuracy in record time
From: David Morris
Re: Gun training secrets used by elite special operations units that are safe, effective, and affordable,
no matter what happens with ammo availability, pricing, or legislation.
Dear Fellow gun owner,
It almost feels that our rights to bear arms are being choked to death. We may have defended the rights given to us by the second amendment but there is a new attack on our liberty…
The ability to afford ammo (if you can even find it) for our guns is quickly vanishing for many Red Blooded Americans.
With ammo prices skyrocketing over the last two years many shooters hear a cash machine ringing up a bill in their head every time they pull the trigger…
…Making it nearly impossible to master accuracy, presentation, left handed and right handed shooting, reloads, dealing with malfunctions, follow through, transitions, lead, stance, acquiring your target, one handed reloads, duck walking, cornering, low light, and the host of other techniques any shooter worth their salt MUST have in a life or death situation.
It’s not your fault, you’ve probably heard a million opinions and got some free advice (usually worth about what you pay for it) and your more confused than ever…
That’s OK, because you’ve found:
Hands Down, The Easiest, Most Practical and Proven System For Quickly and Inexpensively Gaining Laser-Like Firearms Accuracy That You And Your Loved Ones Can Depend On In A Life Or Death Situation
For Impressing Your Friends and Instructors At Your Next Training, Qualification, or Competition
You could go out and read EVERY book ever written on Tactical Firearms Training or spend hundreds of HOURS training with and interviewing industry insiders, and actually go out in the field and DO this stuff like I have.
Read this simple 74 page book that condenses down the apex of current, cutting edge Tactical Firearms Training and start putting the lessons into practice immediately.
When you order today, we’ll not only rush you your book in the mail, but we’ll also give you INSTANT access to the digital version so that you can start using the lessons immediately!
No fluff and NO B.S. Just the raw information and systems you need to practice and train as much as you want, when you want, with no financial restrictions, NO nosy neighbors poking into your business and NO Worrying about breaking overbearing Gun Laws
When I got serious about getting trained to be able to successfully protect myself and my loved ones with a firearm, I started getting formal training. LOTS of formal training. I trained with SWAT trainers, Green Berets, SEALs, MARSOC Marines—many of whom were fresh back from deployments—and the guys who train these elite units. I went through parts of the pre-deployment training that FBI agents go through before being deployed to OIF/OEF, that Nuclear Regulatory Commission transport security goes through before transporting nuclear materials, and the same precision tactical handgun training that the point men for FBI entry teams go through. We’re talking dozens of classes and tens of thousands of dollars spent on education, ammo, travel, and gear.
Most importantly, I went beyond simply taking the classes and got into the instructor’s heads, dug around, and found out the highest of the high speed shooting, training, and teaching techniques that they’d found over the years that had worked for them, both in combat and in rapidly preparing others for combat.
Don’t let the size (Just 74 Pages) fool you. This is the distilled product of hundreds of hours of formal training spread out over the last decade.
It is truly, the best of the best Tactical Firearms Training information available, and the system is simple and FAST to learn so you can implement this information immediately.
*As a bonus, Dustin Ellermann, winner of Top Shot Season 3 loved the book so much that he agreed to help out with it. If you are a fan of Top Shot, you probably enjoyed watching Dustin as much as I did and can imagine how honored I am to have him on the cover of the book and throughout the book demonstrating the skills. |
How much is your time worth? Think about it, why should you go out and duplicate all the time and effort that warfighters and competitive shooters spent refining techniques and that I put into combing through all the data to refine it and simplify it so that anyone could QUICKLY use the lessons learned?
I’m not saying that you shouldn’t go out and get formal training–it’s crucial that you do. What I’m saying is that there is a wealth of information in this book that you just can’t fully absorb, apply, and retain from a class. I’ll show you, in this book, how to take the high-speed training that you’ve received (or plan on getting) and effectively lock it into your subconscious mind so that your skills won’t degrade and disappear over time.
I’ve pulled together in one simple book the simple steps you can take to improve, hone, and master your technique AND I’ve included the expertise from top experts in the field so you don’t have to retrace their steps or mine.
So maybe you are already a good shot or been shooting since you were a kid… and that’s great.
I have been shooting for most of my life. My first time out was with my dad when I was just 4 years old. I remember it like it was yesterday, My first bird I took was a swallow with my Red Ryder BB gun…
But shooting under extreme stress–like what people face in a life-or-death self-defense situation, is different. Your fingers turn to sausages that move like you just pulled them out of the freezer. Attempts at fancy gun handling quickly end with your gun, mag, or more laying between your feet. Your vision narrows to where you may as well be looking through the center tube of a paper towel roll. Nothing works the way you think it should…unless you know what to expect ahead of time AND know how to counteract your body’s natural tendencies. (You’ll learn how in the book)
If you don’t have perfect high-stress shooting technique ingrained in your mind, you’d better pray that you never face a high-stress shooting situation.
But, with this training, you can quickly and inexpensively train your mind and body to perform exactly the way you want them to under stress so that you can quickly put multiple, effective rounds on target.
For only $23.00 $19.00 $11! for both the physical and digital versions.
I’m only charging $23.00 $19.00 $11! for the hard copy and digital combination, for 3 reasons.
So if you’re serious about achieving an elite level of tactical firearms shooting skills, and if you would like to start right away, Click the “Add to cart” button below. If you need to justify the expense, think about the fact that it’ll save serious shooters 3-10 times the cost of the book every month in ammo, fuel, and range fees–for the rest of your life.
Guarantee #1 If for any reason you think my book isn’t the best $11 you’ve ever spent just send me an email and I’ll gladly refund your whole $11!.
Guarantee #2 If you actually DO what I recommend for you to do in the system and your results aren’t great, I’ll actually refund TWICE your money. All I ask is that you give me an honest effort.
Now is that for fair? Sure it is… It’s more than fair
Time is Very Much “Of the Essence”… I can’t stress the time-sensitiveness of this offer enough.
Click on the “Add To Cart” button below and we’ll immediately ship your copy of Tactical Firearms and Training Secrets™ AND you’ll have instant digital access so you can start reading in minutes Risk-Free for just $23.00 $19.00 $11!…
As a special bonus I am giving you one of my most popular courses “Clearing Your House With A Firearm”
Never find yourself in a situation where you are not sure of tactical vantage points inside your house when you feel that the security perimeter of your home has been breached.
You will be able to confidently and safely sweep your house and clear any potential threats and you get this FREE with your small investment of $23.00 $19.00 $11! for your copy of “Tactical Fire Arms Training”
Here’s what you do to order… MasterCard, American Express or Visa
A man who represents himself in court has a FOOL for a lawyer and we all know that people who don’t read the instructions SCREW things up.
You can either wing it and take your chances, or get this book, otherwise your sure to make GIANT mistakes that could result in death of a loved one.
Practice makes perfect and in the “Traditional” training methods, it is expensive and out of many people’s reach to afford the ammo needed to achieve and maintain a high level of tactical firearms proficiency.
When it comes to guns… YOU MUST KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING
This $11 book is the only thing standing between you and your best way to achieve the level of marksmanship that you’ve always dreamed of, but may have thought was out of reach.
P.S. Remember, There is more real actionable information in this book than you’ll get reading a dozen firearms training books, the systems inside the book have already worked for other people just like you, it’s 100% guaranteed so the only thing left to do is get the book right now and see for yourself. It’s a no brainer.
I wasn’t planning on putting any testimonials for this book up, since it’s so inexpensive and sells itself so well. But these two were just too great to not post here:
If you aren’t blessed with access to unlimited amounts of free ammunition, this book will help you maximize your training time and minimize wasted ammo. The author explains three concepts that will augment your regimen: Dry Fire, Airsoft Practice and Mental Rehearsal. Although I’ve been raised not to dry fire my weapons, the fact of the matter is that most modern guns will tolerate almost limitless dry fire. The author gives you an easy to follow course of training that will improve your technique without sacrificing range safety and discipline. The chapter on Airsoft training gave me another avenue to consider, while the final technique of Utilizing Guided Mental Imagery was probably the best of all; highlighting training elements that you would be wise to implement in everyday life. For less than the cost of a box of ammunition you can radically accelerate your firearms training.
D. Buxman “A Seeker of Truth” (Pueblo, CO United States)
I really enjoyed this book. For being a shooter that has just a little over a year of trigger time … this book has given me some viable options to train at home. Book was well written and easy to understand. I also like the fact that Dustin was involved from Top Shot. My mom and I supported him while he was on the show and it was nice to see a self taught shooter win. If you are new to shooting this book give you options without having to always go to the range. Weeks before I bought this book I was looking all over the internet for training tips and most deal with going to a range or outdoor range (which in Arizona training outdoors is a nightmare during the summer time 🙂 ). It is well worth buying this book. Hope you enjoy it as I have.